7 Important Branding Mistakes To Avoid In Startups | Online Design Platform


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Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 3, 2017

7 Important Branding Mistakes To Avoid In Startups

For any business, it is common to commit mistakes. It is also often common to rectify these errors with appropriate steps at the earliest. However, the price of all mistakes is not same. For a developed business with an established market, branding mistakes may not affect their brand image at all.
7 Major Branding Mistakes
On the other hand, when it happens to startups and the companies that are just beginning with their brand campaign may find these mistakes fatal. This is exactly why start-ups to take mistakes more seriously when they can affect their brand image.
Let us introduce here seven common branding mistakes that startups should avoid.

1. Trying to please everyone at the same time

No business can please everyone unless it becomes a unique brand like Google or Facebook. It applies in particular to startups and small companies. They have limited resources, too many budget constraints, lack of talents and workforce and above all, lack of experience. With the limitation on every front, they just cannot afford to make a significant stance to address the millions.
They have to offer something within their capacity, and so they need to serve a target audience with their offerings. When a business tries to please everyone, they fail to create interest in their business Brent. This is why it is important to make your voice heard within a particular audience rather than everyone in the full open market.

2. Not taking the help of analytics and metrics

Finally, you need to evaluate the engagement of audience with your brand frequently, and you can only do this with the help of analytics and metrics. For both the mobile app and website periodic evaluation of the user parameters are important to detect the hindering elements and create a plan for improving the digital presence of the brand.
In the case of social media also frequently take note of user metrics the volume of visitors and the contents of the parameter that are enjoying more popularity over others. Analytics and metrics help you perfecting your content strategy from time to time and gain more discoverability and traction.

3. Not being able to create a definitive and immediate impression

Most startups do not understand the power of a business brand and accordingly take steps from the early days of their operation. How can you make your brand synonymous with the products or services you sell? For example just the way online payment service reminds you of PayPal, how can your product similarly refer to your brand?
For building such a definitive and immediate impression with your business name, you need to create a rigorous web presence. Creating a stable and strong brand identity will also have its positive effect on the search engine ranks. When heating search engine positions are important for businesses to make their business offerings discoverable it is the brand that makes a crucial part of it.

4. Lacking a compelling presence on social media

For making purchases buyers depend on social media reviews, comments, and business contents more than ever. Naturally, businesses all find it crucial to make a robust social media presence. Startups in spite of having their social media business page are not regular and frequent with their contents and brand promotion.
Make sure you frequently participate in social media conversation. Secondly, create a where righty of social media posts with the right mix of video image text animation graphics and text content representing your brand story and business offerings.
Remain engaged with your audience with frequent comments and responses to the public. Run promotional campaigns and try to stand out from the rest with innovative campaign ideas. Take help of automation tools like Hootsuite for frequent social media posting.

5. Consistency in branding mistakes elements

What are the typical items that constitute a business brand? Is it just the logo or the packaging of the products, the user experience of the website or a mobile app or the overall impact of business through multiple avenues and variety of channels? We can presume that the last one is correct. This is why consistency in all brand elements in respect of appearance and brand message is truly important if you want to create a lasting impression on your audience.
If you are going to build a new mobile app for your business, it cannot look entirely different from your existing website. Similarly, with the new design of your site, you just cannot change everything from the previous version. The common elements that your audience usually connects your brand wheat should remain constant and unaltered.

6. Duplicating the competitors

Many small businesses and startups when starting with their website and the digital campaign they just follow the footprints of their competitor brands and they end up creating a website or a mobile app or a social media page for their business which look similar to their competitors.
In spite of offering unique and never before quality in your products and services, you feel to create an impression of your business brand just because of providing the similar look and feel like your competitors.

7. Lacking solid content strategy and frequent updates

For any business website, it is important to stay alive with regular content updates. When you publish materials regularly, you automatically create bigger chances to be discovered by the organic traffic searching related keywords across the search engines.
There is no better way to build a loyal audience who look up to your brand than by delivering unique and relevant content rich with helpful information and insights. To make your content strategy help your business brand here are some effective tips.
Publish text content that is quickly scannable and engaging for the little attention span of the mobile audience. When creating rich media content, take care of the file size so that they do not put a hindrance for the page loading speed. Instead of offering a large volume of the text provides a mix of contents with visual playing a predominant role.
To conclude,
Startups are more prone to branding mistakes than the large enterprises. It is also them who suffer from these branding mistakes most. For any start up remaining alerted and responsive to the audience engagement is the most important thing to make their brand shine through.

Source: Techstory.in

Appeared first on Brandgos Blog.

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